Thursday, November 5, 2015

Freedom + Happiness = Success

Freedom and happiness are two of my ultimate goals in life. They are my why. They are what defines me. Just those words are like a breath of fresh air. That doesn't mean I am just floating around in bliss all the time but they are postitive words that embody what life should be filled with, in my opintion.

In reality though it looks more like, "Aaaah freedom!? Wait what do I do?!" Whenever I have free time and no plans, I have this moment of guilt and stress. It is like I am paralyzed by thoughts of what I "should" be doing. Working at home is a blessing, and it takes a lot of self-motivation. I always wonder, "What is the most important thing I should be doing right now?" Meditation, surf, exercise, eat, work, laundry, cleaning...and the to do list goes on! 

On Tuesday morning, I got my kids off to school, rode my bike down the street feeling giddy with the wind blowing in my hair and came home to prepare for my first day of FREEDOM after being with the kids 24/7 for their two week fall break. (Monday I was in meetings while the kids were in school).  My HAPPINESS was soon over come by the feeling of not knowing what to do first, so I turned to my oils. Of all of the essential oils on my shelf, I chose to roll some Highest Potential on my forehead, the top of my head and at the base of my neck, I gave myself a mist with Believe oil and water and took some deep breaths before I sat down at the computer to catch up. First, I checked my email where I noticed that Monday was the first day of the 21-day meditation series I signed up for weeks ago with Deepak and Oprah. My first thought was, "Dang it! I already missed day one!" But as I opened the email and read the message, lo and behold the topic for this 21-day meditation is believing in yourself and achieving your highest potential. No joke, I had just applied those two oils!! Hint, hint. Following the clear sign of what I "should" be doing I instantly stepped away from my computer and sat down to do the meditation. 

These daily Deepak and Oprah meditations in combination with using some new Freedom-Release and Freedom-Sleep oils for emotional balance, are really making me think (and dream!) deep about what determines true freedom, happiness and the feeling of being successful in life. What I notice seems simple. As long as I am nurturing myself and taking care of my own needs (surfing, sleeping well, eating clean, exercising, meditating etc.) I am constantly provided with opportunities to help others and I have the willingness and energy to do so. This brings me joy, feels sustainable, and this is how I seem to move forward in life. I help myself so I can be there to help others and this is true happiness and success in my eyes. 

On another note, I also notice that the very things that bring me the most worry and discomfort, are the things that I need to do most. Meditation, parenting my children, speaking in front of others when teaching classes, and even writing this post, are some of my biggest challenges, believe it or not!  I realize the challenging opportunities are the ones that propel me forward. Let me talk about meditation for a second. Meditation is NOT easy for me, it is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Sit still. Do nothing. Don't think. I would rather stick a needle in my eye! That being said, the more I meditate, the smoother my life becomes and the more balanced I am physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. So, even though it is one of my biggest challenges, I know it helps me cope because I can deal with difficult situations with greater ease and grace. For example, when my kid throws a tantrum, I don't match their level of out-of-controllness (yea, I made that word up) and I am not as triggered by it. Showing up, believing in myself, having confidence, challenging myself, working through the discomfort, facing my fears, taking a look inside myself when I am triggered by my kids behavior, and not ever giving up are what gives my life meaning. The gifts I gain from the "tough stuff" are far greater than anything I ever imagined. 

Each time I work through another layer of my own healing, especially on the emotional level with essential oils and meditation, my relationships with my children, my family, and my friends improve, grow deeper and I am more fulfilled, free, and happy. I am eternally grateful for the opportunities that life presents me with. I just need to remember, the tougher the challenge, the greater the gift. The gifts are freedom and happiness. Freedom + Happiness = Success!



Harper jumping off this reef is a reminder to me of how it feels to be free, confident, daring, ready for anything, happy and successful


Sunset, Swami's beach November 2015

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